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Our Team

REACT consists of three separate yet interdependent branches: Clinical Branch, Education Branch, and Operations Branch. Our team of medical students and undergraduates work together to establish service and educational initiatives aimed at supporting the health and broader needs of refugees and asylees in the Greater Phoenix area. Find out more about our branches and what they do below!


Our clinical branch is devoted to maintaining the success of the student-run free clinic through designing and managing the flow of the clinic, establishing the responsibilities for both the medical students and the undergraduates, and assisting in overall patient care through working with medical students, preceptors, and undergraduates to provide social referrals and culturally competent care.

Our Education Branch works to educate refugee communities about health-related topics and understand the disparities they face through hosting educational workshops, conducting community health needs assessments, and fostering meaningful connections with community members.



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Some Clinical Branch Task Forces


Our Operations Branch works to maintain the collaboration of the entire organization by 
developing and implementing clinic support tools,
providing ongoing budget management in support of organizational initiatives, managing
administrative infrastructure, and
analyzing long-term clinic success

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